

Software information


Shareware (Free to try)


25 Mar 2015




Software Screenshots

Size: 16.1 MB

Downloads: 4171

Platform: Windows (All Versions)

Review by Jerome Johnston (Cybersecurity Editor)

on 20 Jun 2012

Let's imagine that you own a laptop which contains a lot of important files and folders. This data can be put in danger in case your laptop gets lost or stolen, because a thief can have access to all your personal and important information. That's why your data should be encrypted and locked with a password, so only you will have access to it. In this way, in case your computer gets stolen, a thief won't have access to your private information without entering the right password.

A program which allows you to easily encrypt all your files and folders stored on a computer is SensiGuard. This simple Windows program can encrypt any kind of data with a password and it's even compatible with USB memory devices. In this way, in case your USB device gets lost or stolen, the thief won't have access to the data it contains. The application is very simple to install and also very easy to use. After installing and running the program, the user will be presented with a simple and graphical interface which allows the user to easily encrypt all his files and folders.

Besides locking and encrypting files and folders, SensiGuard also allows shredding files, so that they won't be able to recover using any recovery application. When running the program for the first time, the user will need to set up a master password, so that only him will be able to access the program's configuration.

Furthermore, besides locking and encrypting computer files, SensiGuard can even encrypt data stored on USB memory devices. Virtually, any kind of storage device is supported by the application.

It allows you to encrypt and lock all your files and folders with a password, so that only you will have access to the data. Besides that, the user can shred files and folders, so that they will be impossible to recover.

The demo version is a bit limited. Besides that, it's impossible to regain access to the locked files in case the user forgets the password.

SensiGuard allows you to lock and encrypt all your files and folders, so that only you will have access to the data.



SensiGuard Awards

SensiGuard Editor’s Review Rating

SensiGuard has been reviewed by Jerome Johnston on 20 Jun 2012. Based on the user interface, features and complexity, Findmysoft has rated SensiGuard 5 out of 5 stars, naming it Essential


out of 5